Reflecting and Acting

Time To Shine: Tell us about your Waste Programs!

It's time to let your creative juices run wild! So put your director hats on and get ready to film a video advertisement showing off your newly created waste programs.


In a short 5 minute video all about your program, answer the following questions:

- What is your waste program about? Who created it?

- What inspired your to create this program?

- Who is your waste program for?

- What is your waste program targeting?

- What are the main goals of your program? 

- How will you achieve these goals?

- What resources will you need?


Please submit your interview video to me via email. 



Waste Management Warriors: Hot Seat Questions!

Now that you're a Waste Management Warrior, it's time to reflect on what you have learnt and how you have grown in your understanding of your local environments, waste, and recycling. 

Spend some time going through what you have learnt and be prepared for your first interview, you're in the hot seat! Please dress up in your best Waste Management Warrior outfit to film your video interview.


In your interview, please answer the following questions:

- What were our recycling habits before, how did it change?

- How did we feel we benefited the school with our programs?

- What information is important to share about recycling with others?

- Where to now? How can we keep making changes?

- Where would you like to deepen your learning? What would you like to learn about next?


End the interview with your best Waste Management Warrior pose!


Please submit your interview video to me via email. 


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