

Activity details


Activity 1 - Students are given access to Popplet, a mind-map application that allows them to show their understanding of the topic. After this, students can expand on their initial understanding by exploring videos on waste and recycling. By adding new information to their mind-map, students can review what they knew prior to and after exploring the videos. 


Activity 2 - Students continue to tune into the learning of waste and recycling by exploring a variety of resources. The first is a sorting game that involves students choosing what materials can be recycled. Students reflect on the game by discussing and recording whether they learned anything new about what materials can be recycled.  After this, the teacher reads the picture book, ‘What a Waste, Rubbish, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet’ by Jess French. Students can use this resource as a way to learn more about the different types of waste that is produced. 

Students have the option to create a digital or physical poster of a type of waste they would like to learn more about. This poster can be included in their video advertisements. Inquiry questions are provided on the page to guide students learning. 


Activity 3 - Students watch various videos and read articles to determine whether they have certain types of waste within their school. After this, students participate in a series of waste audits to discover the types of waste being produced in their school. 


Activity 4 - Students watch a variety of videos of programs being conducted by students in other schools. After watching the videos, students are given a PMI chart to complete as they reflect on the usefulness and effectiveness of the school programs. By the end of this, students share what waste area they would like to focus on and battle within their school.


Activity 5- Students will explore a local park of their choice both online and in person. They will assess and reflect on the recycling and waste management programs that are taking place in their parks. With this knowledge and the knowledge acquired through previous activities, they will generate two questions to ask a local councillor, this will take place through an online ZOOM interview. Students will be able to identify the key factors of their local waste management programs and how they are being used in their local parks. 


Activity 6-  Students will create two videos within this activity. The first video will advertise their recycling and waste management program, it will address several questions created by the teacher. The second video allows students to reflect on the learning that has taken place in this subject through the answering of questions in a video interview. Through this students will be able to reflect on and consolidate their learning, as well as establishing ideas for future learning.