Going Further

Recycling Programs in your Local Area

Using Google Maps in the satellite setting, take a virtual trip around one of your local parks. Write about what you see, what kind of facilities are available and how well does the park look maintained? Take screenshots and upload these to your Google Document

Research your local councils' website and discover any recycling programs that may be taking place in your area. Create a poster about this recycling program; upload a photo of it to your Google Document. If your local council does not have any recycling programs, create a poster on a recycling project that you think your local council should have. 

Take a trip to your this local park and compare what you see in real life to what you saw on Google Maps; is the park as green as you thought? Are there facilities there that you didn't initially see? Do you notice the park to be better or worse looking than you initially thought? What local waste programs do you think are taking place in this park? Take photos of the park and upload these to your Google Document. 


ZOOM Interview with a Councillor

In this weeks lesson, we will be having a ZOOM meeting with a local councillor to discuss our local parks and environments and their waste programs.

Create two (2) questions to ask the councillor about your specific park that you visited. Have these questions written and uploaded to your Google Document ready to ask the councillor. 

Things to think about:

- What are some issues we are having with our local parks and recycling programs

- Ideas and suggestions you have about our local recycling programs

- Any positive or negative things you saw on your visit to your local park

- Reflect on your knowledge so far


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