
   Welcome Year 4!


                                                                                                                      Healthy Earth Cartoon Vector Clipart - FriendlyStock


This is your principal asking you to create a new school-wide recycling program.


What is recycling you may ask?

This WebQuest journey is created to help you learn all about the different waste we have in this world and recycling. 


You are tasked with creating a new and innovative recycling program for your school. By the end of this WebQuest, you will create a video advertisement to pitch your program to the teachers and principal. You may work in groups of three to gather all the information you need for creating your own recycling programs. Your video advertisement should include:


- A description of waste and recycling. 

-  The effect of waste and recycling on places and environments. 

- How can people become more sustainable?



Inquiry Question:

Why is it important to make places and environments more sustainable? 




- Access to an iPad. 

- Access to Google Docs


Your iPad will be used to gather photos, videos and information for your video advertisement. By gathering information about waste and recycling, it will help you when it comes to creating your own recycling program. 


For your program to be considered, you will need to make your video advertisements include:

- Information on the type of waste you want to battle. 

- Ways the school could be more sustainable against this waste. 

- What your program includes. 


If you inspire the teachers and the principal, you will be part of the Environmental Committee to instill the program within the school. 



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