


Geography K-10 Syllabus

The Earths Environment

  • examines features and characteristics of places and environments GE2-1 
  • describes the ways people, places and environments interact GE2-2 
  • examines differing perceptions about the management of places and environments GE2-3 
  • acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry GE2-4 


Key Inquiry Question: How can people use places and environments more sustainably?


Investigate sustainable practices that protect environments, including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, for example: (ACHGK023, ACHGK024, ACHGK025)

  • examination of how environments can be used sustainably eg sustainable agricultural, commercial, recreational practices.

  • discussion of ways waste can be managed sustainably.


Formative assessment

Teachers will have access to student's work from activities 1- 4 to assess their learning of the topic. Students should be given opportunities to inquire and ask questions about their learning (National Education Authority Standards, 2019). Therefore, Inquiry questions are used throughout the WebQuest to inspire students to self-assess and reflect on their learning.  A whole-class discussion at the beginning of the WebQuest allows for informal data to be gathered and immediate feedback to be given to students. 

Questioning and discussion are involved within the activities to ensure that inquiry learning is being promoted throughout WebQuest. 


Summative assessment 

The reflecting and acting activity will be marked against a set of criteria that evaluates students' understanding and learning of the content throughout the Webquest. Students will also be assessed on how effectively they construct their sustainability programs and how they work collaboratively with others.